Contact Lenses

For many, contact lenses are a great way to enjoy freedom from glasses. Technology in material, design, and coatings have made soft contact lenses very comfortable. Modern day soft contacts are able to correct even the largest prescriptions of nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia (our natural loss of the ability to read with age).

Eye Clinic North has some of the best technology available to map the curvature of one’s cornea to aid the doctors in fitting specialty rigid gas permeable contact and scleral contact lenses for those who can’t wear traditional soft contacts. Whether it be keratoconus, irregular post-surgical corneas or poor vision following corneal scarring or trauma, our doctors can help.

Contact lens fittings or examinations include evaluation of specific information that is not determined or provided during a regular eye exam. Law requires all people who wear contact lenses to have a valid contact lens prescription. These prescriptions and services are not included in the cost of comprehensive eye exams and are typically not covered by insurance. Contact lens services may require multiple office visits and trial lenses before a prescription can be written.

People looking to wear contacts for the first time will need a new contact lens fitting.

The process includes initial evaluation, trial lenses, training on insertion and removal, care and handling of contacts, and related follow-up visits for up to six weeks. Typically, a new fit can be accomplished in one or two visits. It is usually best to schedule a comprehensive eye exam and discuss your interest in wearing contacts with your doctor then. Many factors go into selecting the right lenses so it is important your doctor gets to know you and your goals. If you’ve already had a recent eye exam, call our office to book your fitting.

One who is looking to update a recent contact lens prescription would need an annual contact lens exam. During this exam, the doctor will make adjustments to an existing prescription or may try a different type or brand. As technology keeps advancing in contact lenses, we want our patients to have the most comfortable lenses possible with optimal vision and safety. We recommend evaluating contact lenses and updating contact prescriptions annually. Our skilled doctors can usually spot trouble before it becomes a problem and recommend ways to keep our eyes healthy.

Did you know contact lenses are available on our online store? Shop local… but online. Competitive prices, manufacturer rebates, free direct shipping, and backed by a local business you can turn to.

Why go anywhere else?

Online Store

Eye Clinic North is fortunate to have doctors trained in fitting specialty contact lenses, such as rigid gas permeable, scleral, or hybrid contacts for those in which soft lenses don’t work, such as severe dry eye, corneal irregularities, keratoconus, or post-surgical cases.

Myopia Control Lenses

The FDA has approved certain advanced daily soft contact lenses to slow the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children. Studies have shown these lenses slow myopia by 59% on average. The program includes an initial fitting, a year’s supply of daily disposable contact lenses, progress checks with the doctor, and access to an online portal.

Eye Clinic North is proud to have become a certified provider for myopia control lenses.

We now have the tools to slow nearsightedness, so let’s put them to work!

For more information, contact our office.

Learn More
Eye Clinic North Hibbing

P: (218) 263-3633
F: (218) 729-2445

1311 East 34th Street
Hibbing, Minnesota 55746

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Eye Clinic North Virginia

P: (218) 741-5886
F: (218) 729-2445

807 North 6th Avenue
Virginia, Minnesota 55792

Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm | Friday: 9am-4pm

Eye Clinic West Duluth

P: (218) 624-1804
F: (218) 729-2445

405 North 57th Avenue West
Duluth, Minnesota 55807

Tuesday-Friday: 9am-5pm